Framework for Formulating the New Education Policy

This document recommends the process that may be taken to initiate the consultation process for formulation of the New Education Policy.

The objective of the consultation process is to ensure that an inclusive, participatory and holistic approach is undertaken, which takes into consideration expert opinions, field experiences, empirical research, stakeholder feedback, as well as lessons learned from best practices.

Traditionally, previous Commissions for driving Education Policy have undertaken a common approach which included the following:

  • Top down approach based on setting up expert task force, working groups and/or sub-committees.
  • Each group was based on a thematic topic.
  • Recommendations were made based on field visits, discussions, conferences/workshops, interviews, limited citizen outreach, special studies, meetings with constitutional leaders and elected officials.
  • The consultation process involved multiple stakeholders including government, academia, industry, experts and media.
  • The consultation time taken varied from six months to three years.

While past consultative processes have been extensive, they have taken a top-down approach, depending on limited feedback from field workers and stakeholders on the ground who are responsible implementing the Education Policy. Further, they have been thematic based, with discussions being held in silos.

Thus, it is recommended that a time-bound, bottom-up consultative process is undertaken which will be driven by a multi-stakeholder task force at the National Level. Such an approach will enable the Ministry of HRD to reach out to individuals across the country through over 2.75 lakh direct consultations while also taking input from citizens online. The proposed framework is as follows:

Gram Panchayat

  • Village Education Committee across all 2.5 lakh Grampanchayat to meet on a select day to deliberate and provide recommendation on the New Education Policy consultation document
  • 2.5 lakh meetings to be held



  • Block Development Officer to lead meeting of the Education Committee to drive compile and evaluate the recommendations made by the various Village Education Committees in the block. Further, members to provide inputs to be provided on the New Education Policy consultation document
  • Approx. 6600 meetings to be held



  • The District Collector/ Magistrate along with the MP/ MLA to hold a multi-stakeholder consultation workshop. Further, recommendations made by Block level teams to be incorporated into the district recommendations
  • Approx. 676 meetings to be held



  • Each State to hold thematic, multistakeholder roundtable meetings (approv 3 per state) to deliberate the New Education Policy Consultation Document. State Teams will also synthesise recommendations made in district reports and provide a single comprehensive document.
  • 100 meetings to be held



  • Groups of States to meet to discuss regional requirments and provide input on the New Education Policu Document based on State recommendations
  • 6-8 meetings to be held



  • Multistakeholder thematic roundtables to be held
  • Online consultation through various forums including MyGov, HRD Ministry Website etc.
  • 12 meetings to be held


National Education Task Force

  • Multi-stakeholder members with diverse backgrounds
  • Identifying key themes and finalising the New Education Policy Consultation Document
  • Driving the time-bound consultation process at all levels
  • Responsible for compiling and analysing the recommendations from the Online Recommendations, Regional, State Reports and National Roundtable
  • Evaluating international best practices and policies
  • Submitting a final report for the New Education Policy

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